All characters created by Demond Jones

The Herald


Christian Ericstein is the Grandson of Billionaire mogal, Vincent Ericstein, who’s true Identity is that of world infamous fictional mad scientist Victor Frankenstein. As Christian grew up with Victoria and no father, he constantly studied his grandfather’s technology, hoping to get Vincent’s approval.

    Years later Victoria had become an addict for a supernatural drug called “Purge”. Wanting to destroy the operation that supplied the city with drug, Christian used his highly advanced scientific skills to build a flight capable, titanium/silver alloy exo-suit with ultraviolet light emitters and a silver stake launching crossbow as the ultimate weapon against supernatural beings.  After using the suit to destroy a vampire run factory, Christian began to use the suit to patrol the streets of New Salem at night to destroy drug havens.

    Soon a terrorist cult called “The Red Circle” attacked and sacrificed human civilians in efforts to halt New Salem’s emergence from a secret society by threatening war with the human world. Christian continued to use his suit which he had now altered to mimic the look of a dark angel in order to intimidate the Red Circle Azazel fanatics.

Now known as the Herald, Christian patrolled the skies of New Salem at night to prevent more Red Circle attacks. Seeing how the influence of the Red Circle was continuing to grow, Christian got the idea to locate and return Artorus, an ancient and respected warlock who helped found their society, back to New Salem to calm the panic and fear that has captured the city. Once contacting Artorus, Christian is given a mission to protect a civilian girl named Alicia Abrams that will be a key to re-assembling the enforcers known as the “Reckoning”. He was told that the Reckoning would be the only thing strong enough to stand up to the Red Circle. Now Christian secretly watches over Alicia while he awaits Artorus return.



Carlos Castile is the son of Vampire King, Marco Castile. Though on the surface, the Castile royal family had invested in various legitimate businesses, the secret main source of their fortune came from their production and sales of an illegal supernatural drug called “Purge”. The Castile Casino served as the main distribution pointe for Purge. Seeking to take his father’s thrown since childhood, Carlos developed a two part plan to usurp King Marco.

    First, Carlos opened a secret underground club that welcomed all supernaturals and humans alike to partake in social interactions that New Salem’s laws wouldn’t allow. 

    Second, Carlos developed a secret identity as a hitman/ thief for hire named “Draken” that would gain credibility amongst the supernatural underworld. By both building up a fortune through his underground club and also gaining respect for his skills as Draken, Carlos plans to gain enough strength to overthrow his father and become the undisputed new Vampire King.


Terry O’conner is the son of local mob boss and Werewolf King, John O’conner. He is the leader of his own biker club and the reigning champion of the underground supernatural fighting games. Disagreeing with his father’s recent efforts to go legitimate, Terry has secretly begun to build his own drug operation. Producing a new witch created strain of marijuana called “Wolf’s Bain”, He has become a major supplier on the supernatural underground scene. After recently beginning a secret romance with the very upstanding Alex Macalister, Terry has now begun to become conflicted about his growing criminal operation.


Morgana Lafayette is the daughter of Coven Queen and New Salem District Attorney, Stephanie Lafayette. Since finding out that she’d been lied to about her real father when she was 12, Morgana has become a very rebellious, gothic, wild child. Fronting her band “Arsenic”, under the stage name “Cauldron”, Morgana takes every opportunity to thumb her nose at authority and further anger her mother. Secretly practicing dark magic for years, she has become one of the most powerful witches in New Salem. Though infamous for her reckless behavior, no one suspects that Morgana has secretly reconnected with her banished, warlock father and has been under his tutelage for months. 


Kin Harker is a descendant of the famously thought fictional character, Jonathan Harker. For centuries, the Harker family has passed down the techniques of vampire hunting from generation to generation. The product of a disapproved union between his father, Daniel Harker and mother, Ishumi Ikiro, he has totally rejected his family’s legacy and indulged himself in a life of reckless abandon. Now possessed by the ghost of the great vampire hunter, Samuel Harker, Kin has been suddenly thrust into a world he has spent his life avoiding.

Red Blade

Alex McAlister is a descendant of the ancient knights known as the McAlisters of the “Red Blade Clan”. For centuries they have been touted as the most renowned werewolf hunters in the world. In modern times, Alex’s father is the chief of the New Salem Secret Police, her mother, the daughter of a respected werewolf pack leader and brother, a detective on the police force. Groomed to be a knight since childhood, Alex went beyond normal training and mastered sword fighting techniques from various cultures around the world. Using her superior sword fighting skills, Alex earned the title of Red Blade Sire Leader in the now strictly ceremonial clan. Appearing to the New Salem community as the perfect daughter, student and clan member, she harbors the secret of a scandalous affair with Terry O’conner, the son of local werewolf drug kingpin, Mike O’conner.      


Elizabeth (Liz) Saint James is the daughter of New Salem’s mayor, Thomas Saint James. Coming from one of the richest and most influential families in town, Liz has lead a life of privilege and luxury. After a terrorist group known as the “Red Circle” infected Liz with a flesh eating virus that also absorbed life energy, she was placed into stasis until a cure could be found. Now a new indestructible body has been cloned for Liz using Dr. Vincent Ericstein’s reanimation process. The body can lift up to 60 tons, with the ability to absorb and disburse most forms of energy.