All characters created by Demond Jones



After years of searching for the cosmic spheres that he brought to Earth, Dr. Oberon’s sensors detected a strange energy signature within a lake deep in an underground cavern. When Dr. Oberon took a team to investigate the cavern, out of the lake rose a 16-year-old boy holding a double-bladed sword that pulsated with energy. Dr. Oberon then talked the boy down and got him to agree to come with the team back his lab. After studying the Cavern and getting the boy back to his lab, Dr. Oberon discovered that the boy had lied dormant inside an energy cocoon for two years since the global storm caused by the cosmic spheres. They found the boy had no memory except that his name was Xa.

After study, Dr.Oberon and his fellow scientists where amazed to find that XA had six separate superhuman abilities including enhanced strength, invulnerability, enhanced speed, flight, teleportation and energy disbursement. Even the most powerful Xeno-actives created from the storm had only two separate abilities. They found that Xa’s only weakness was that he needed access to his sword in order to access the power emitting from the emblem on his chest. With sword in hand, Xa could materialize alien battle armor and reach his full powers. Once separated from the sword, Xa could only maintain his full power for one hour. After two years of study, one night, Xa grew curious and teleported away from Dr. Oberon’s black site.

Telepathically learning where Dr. Oberon lived from the guards, Xa went to visit Dr. Oberon at his home. Shocked to see that not only had Xa escaped the facility equipped with power dampeners, but that he also possessed mental telepathy, Dr. Oberon didn’t know what to do. Xa began to question Dr. Oberon about the outside world. As Dr. Oberon answered Xa’s questions, he began to contemplate the possibility of keeping Xa’s greater powers a secret from the government. He also thought that if he could have an uninterred influence on Xa, maybe he could become the hope for the world instead of its possible destruction. Xa then asks Dr. Oberon if he would show him and teach him more. Dr. Oberon then made an agreement with Xa. He told Xa that if he would agree to keep it a secret and listen to his instructions, he would teach Xa everything he desired.

The next night after Xa escaped unnoticed again, Dr. Oberon hacked into official foster care records to create a background starting from childhood for Xa. From then on Xa’s new secret identity was “Marcus Arthur Michaels”. But Dr. Oberon and Xa still kept up the pretense of him still being restricted to the black site. Dr. Oberon only had Xa leave to explore as Marcus on a schedule. Possessing a genius intelligence, Xa got an internship at Oberon Labs as Marcus and eventually worked his way up through the company to become a lab tech. Now after three years working at Oberon Labs, Xa continues using his mental telepathy to convince people that Marcus and Xa are two separate individuals with no one ever discovering the truth.